Sunday, July 4, 2010

Journey Journal 1

Well we’ve made it to the Presbyterian mother-land! While the travel over here was uneventful, there is simply no way around the fact that it is difficult on young children (and their parents!) to cross over “the pond”.  But now we are here after receiving a warm welcome from so many members of the Bridge of Allan Parish Church. We have ventured out in the car (big leap of faith driving on the left side of the road!) to a couple of grocery stores (markets as they call them here) and have had wonderful meals thus far (bringing your own chef /wife certainly helps with that!). Today we had our first worship service, and it went very well. Coffee and cake after the service again welcomed us among this very warm and friendly people. Now we are in the sitting room enjoying the Wimbledon finals tennis match. We celebrated the fourth of July early last night – couldn’t find any fireworks or watermelon, but we did grill out. Today has been typical Scotland weather: started off rainy and cool, then became sunny, an hour later thunderstorms moved in, then sunny with rain, then just sunny - windy all throughout.  It’s just 4 pm, so perhaps a few more twists are in store. We have a lovely home walking distance from the kirk and the downtown area. I look forward to going in tomorrow to meet the church secretary – I’m sure she runs the place, so it will be good to meet my “boss”.

Many more adventures and learning experiences just around the bend, I’m sure. Perhaps a little more adjustment to the new time zone will help me open my eyes to them.

Tis all for now, chaps.   -MRB

The wearey travellers at their Scotish home.

This is what jet lag can do!
Our Independence Day celebration.