Wednesday, June 2, 2010

"Whoever would save his life..."

Paradoxes.  There are so many of them in the scriptures, in life, and especially on the journey of faith.  Things that seem like they contradict each other.  And yet, they somehow defy our logic/reason/intuition and they prove to be quite true and reliable.  I have experienced through my week of flood relief work one of these paradoxes again: when you empty yourself in service of another in Christ's name, you really are filled up beyond what you give. 
I had a wonderful five days working in Nashville last week.  My final work day I joined with members of Westminster Presbyterian Church (Laura's home church) to offer a helping hand.  We had a good turn out which made our work go quick.  Later that afternoon Laura and the kids arrived in Nashville.  I had really missed my family!  Sunday morning Laura, Katherine Mae, Mama Susie (Laura's mom), Aunt Lissa, and cousin Margaret headed down to the beach for a week.  It was billed as "Mommy's Sabbatical".  All "the girls" are having a great time in the sand and surf, leaving "the boys" back here in Morganton now fending for ourselves.  We are actually doing quite well and having a lot of fun.  No baths, no teeth brushing.  No clean clothes. No underwear.  Beer and marshmallows for dinner.  We're having a ball being home alone!  Special times!                                                                                                                          -MRB