Monday, May 24, 2010

"I know the plans I have for for you..."

So what is the plan?  I have been asked that a lot.  One thing we are trying to be very intentional about is to not plan any more than we must.  We'd like to just let things unfold as they will.  Some of God's greatest gifts are received by doing this.  I need more practice at that - this summer will be a great opportunity!
But there obviously has to be some rough plan to the flow of our summer.  Most of those factors are determined by family schedules and travel plans (can't tell Continental Airlines we'd like to fly to Edinburgh "sometime in early July").   So the rough and (somewhat) flexible plan is this:

Week 1: Michael to Nashville, TN, for a week of flood relief work
Week 2Mommy's Sabbatical:  Laura & Katherine Mae go to the beach with her mother, sister and niece.  Michael = "Mr. Mom" to the boys
Week 3:   Packing, overdue projects around the house.
Week 4-5ish:  Family trips: first with Laura's family and then with Michael's
Week 6-11ish:  Scotland!!!  Pulpit exchange with Bridge of Allan Parish Church, Bridge of Allan, Scotland
Week 12:  Recover!

So I'm hopping in the car to head to Nashville right now.  Not sure what all will unfold, but I'm quite confident it will be a mix of comforting and challenging, new and familar, but, above all, in accord with God's good and hope-filled plans.      -MRB